6 Habits of Successful People

Why are some people, be they property investors, business people or entrepreneurs, more successful than others?

One of the key philosophies of my Mentorship Program is that successful people not only do different things from the average Australian, but they think very differently.

So I was interested to find the following list of the habits of super successful people at Inc.com

1. Keep Your Eye on the Ball 

Don’t let the obstacles in your path keep you from your goals.

View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

To stay ahead, in business or anything else, you must be able to see situations from all angles and adopt the broadest possible perspective.

2. Learn How to Say No

It’s far better to say no to a project you aren’t fully able to take on, rather than say yes and produce poor-quality work or lose your focus on what matters most.

Learning to say no when it is in your personal best interest, or in the interest of your company, is an extremely valuable skill.

Make a list of the things that are most important to you and that you must do yourself, and then delegate the things that can and should be done by someone else.

Free yourself from daily busywork and you’ll open up time for new opportunities

3. Keep a Daily Plan of Attack

You know the old saying: “Whatever isn’t written down won’t get done.”

Making Plan

As much as we like to think we can remember our most important tasks when the workday gets busy and meetings run long it’s easy to forget some of the things we need to get done.

Each morning writes out a detailed plan of attack for the day.

Not only will this list keep you more organized, but seeing the list in front of you may help you work harder and ignore distractions.

4. Welcome Criticism

Learn to listen to and absorb the criticism that you get.

Hateful and negative criticism should be heard, assessed, and then let go, while constructive criticism should be evaluated and acted upon.


Solicit feedback from people whose opinions you value.

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