Author: admin

Gledatelje HRT-a oduševila Jeličićeva zamjena: “Jako stručna i puno zna o nogometu”

HRT IMA novo pojačanje u emisiji Euro 2024. Radi se o Tihani Nemčić Bojić, hrvatskoj nogometnoj trenerici, koja je danas gostovala u emisiji te oduševila gledatelje. “Svaka joj čast” Na Facebooku komentara o njezinom gostovanju nije nedostajalo. “Slušao sam je sad u poluvremenu i konačno da netko kaže nešto što ima smisla i analizira ono […]

Adobe Learning Summit 2024 – eLearning Industry

Learning As A Growth Catalyst Adobe Learning Summit 2024 is designed to empower professionals to realize the power of learning in today’s dynamic business environment. Explore how learning plays a pivotal role in enhancing employee and customer experience, boosting partner performance, and driving overall business growth. Be among the first to learn and experience how […]

Nordic banks pursue AI in battle with digital competitors

Nordic banks are turning more eagerly to artificial intelligence (AI) and innovation-led tech partnerships that can help them compete more cost-efficiently with niche digital banking rivals that are increasingly populating the financial services space in the region. Leading Nordic financial groups such as Danske Bank, Nordea and SEB have identified strategic partnerships with fintechs as […]

New Law in Effect as of July 1 – North Carolina Criminal Law

Across North Carolina, there are 55 child advocacy centers (CACs) providing services to children who have experienced maltreatment, including physical or sexual abuse.  Local law enforcement agencies and county departments of social services often coordinate with CACs to conduct child medical evaluations and forensic interviews in investigations of child maltreatment. On July 1, 2024, a […]

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