Category: Digital Marketing

The Lean Guide (With Template)

A competitive analysis (or market competitive analysis) is a process where you collect information about competitors to gain an edge over them and get more customers. However, the problem is that “traditional” competitive analysis is overkill for most businesses — it requires impractical data and takes too long to complete (and it’s very expensive if […]

How SEOs Make the Web Better

SEOs catch flak for ruining the web, but they play a crucial role in the search ecosystem, and actually make the internet better for everyone. Let’s get the criticism out of the way. There are bad actors in SEO, people who seek to extract money from the internet regardless of the cost to others. There […]

How To Do It + Free Template

Keyword mapping is the process of grouping keywords into topics and assigning them to pages. Keyword mapping process The benefit of having a keyword map is that it tells you:  What new pages to create  What they should talk about  How to optimize existing pages  Let’s look at how to create one. Download the keyword mapping template to […]

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