Category: Education

The Great Online Adventure Of Expeditionary Learning

The Concept Of Expeditionary Learning Think about the excitement of students starting a learning adventure, where every lesson is like a trip and every challenge is seen as an opportunity for discovery. This is the essence of expeditionary learning. But what does it really mean? Expeditionary learning involves students diving deep into their subjects by […]

eLearning Interactivity And Accessibility: Balancing For Equilibrium

The Importance Of Interactivity In eLearning Interactivity in eLearning refers to the extent to which learners can actively participate in their learning process. Interactive elements include quizzes, simulations, drag-and-drop activities, discussion forums, and multimedia content. These components make learning more engaging and can significantly improve knowledge retention and application. Benefits Of Interactivity Enhanced engagementInteractive content […]

Attract And Retain Training Business Customers

Innovative Ways To Attract And Retain Training Business Customers From rethinking the way you deliver your product to teaming up with external content partners, this guide features real-world examples for attracting new training business customers and achieving higher profitability. Best of all, tried-and-tested techniques have already been implemented by Thought Industries’ customers to gain a […]

eLearning Solutions For EdTech Companies: Custom Development

eLearning App Development In today’s dynamic learning landscape, EdTech companies are constantly innovating to cater to the diverse needs of learners and educational institutions. Custom eLearning solutions have emerged as a powerful tool, enabling EdTech companies to deliver unique and engaging learning experiences tailored to specific requirements. In this article, we will discuss why custom […]

AI And Gamification: Winning The eLearning Engagement Game

Is AI And Gamification A Winning eLearning Combination? In recent years, gamification has seen a surge in popularity, and rightfully so. What better way to motivate your learners and provide discreet feedback than to leverage badges, levels, and leaderboards? However, a certain emerging technology can make your strategy even more impactful. This guide highlights why AI […]

Post-COVID Remote Work: How L&D Can Help With Isolation

Building Connections In A Post-COVID Remote World The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our work, pushing many organizations to adopt remote work arrangements. While remote work offers flexibility and convenience, it has also led to feelings of isolation and disconnection among employees. Learning and Development (L&D) can address these challenges by fostering a sense of […]

The Potential Of Generative AI In Education

Beyond Generative AI-Powered Content Creation In the last two years, generative AI has emerged as a powerful tool in education, offering teachers new ways to create content and engage students. But even though everybody is talking about embracing AI to improve the learning experience, and educators are actively increasing their AI literacy, I feel that […]

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