Category: Health Fitness

Understanding and Managing PCOS and PCOD in Women

Regular cheque-ups with healthcare professionals are essential to monitor symptoms (Image: Pexels) In the intricate tapestry of women’s health, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) stand as significant challenges, affecting the lives of many. These conditions, often used interchangeably, share similarities but also have distinct characteristics. We intend to delve into the […]

Unveiling the secrets to identify and treat alopecia

Identifying and treating alopecia is a multifaceted journey that requires a combination of medical interventions, lifestyle adjustments, and emotional support (Image Courtesy: Pexels) In the intricate world of beauty and self-expression, our hair plays a significant role. However, for many individuals, the journey takes an unexpected turn with the onset of alopecia. This condition, characterized […]

A surprising ally for mental health

Ice cream is more than just sugar and fat. AP In the realm of dietary discussions, ice cream often finds itself labelled as a guilty pleasure, synonymous with indulgence rather than health. However, beyond its reputation for decadence, ice cream possesses nutritional elements that can positively impact mental well-being. Surprising as it may seem, this […]

Navigating the Adolescent Brain: Puberty and Neurological Development

The prefrontal cortex, often referred to as the “executive center” of the brain, undergoes significant development during puberty. (Image: Pexels) Puberty is a transformative period marked by physical changes, emotional shifts, and, notably, significant alterations in neurological development. As adolescents navigate this crucial stage, understanding the cognitive changes associated with puberty becomes paramount. In this […]

Parental Strategies for Handling Children’s Moods and Changes During Puberty

Puberty often brings about changes in physical appearance that can impact self-esteem (Image: Pexels) Puberty is a tumultuous phase of life, marked by physical, emotional, and psychological transformations. As children navigate this journey of self-discovery, parents play a pivotal role in providing support and understanding. Acknowledging and addressing the moods and changes during puberty is […]

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