Category: Real Estate

Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?

Here is a good question to ask yourself … Where are you going? Ten years from now, you will surely arrive. The question is, where? We don’t want to kid ourselves about where; we don’t want to kid ourselves about the road we’re walking. At 25, shortly after meeting my mentor Earl Shoaff, I had […]

Why neighbourhood has never been so important when investing in property

Key takeaways Investors should focus on selecting the right neighbourhood when making their property buying decisions, as socio-economic dynamics and lifestyle preferences shape today’s property market. 80% of a property’s performance is dependent on the location and its neighbourhood, and today’s property investors and homebuyers are placing an unprecedented emphasis on lifestyle. These ‘liveable’ neighbourhoods […]

Shooting Ducks in a Bathtub

Unsuccessful people do not read or educate themselves, preferring to spend time on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or watching TV. They have very little self-control. Self-control is a muscle. When exercised it gets stronger. Daily self-improvement reading exercises that muscle. Daily exercise increases self-control. Daily meditation increases self-control. Pursuing a dream and the goals around a […]

Is Poverty Your Fault?

A well-known study, conducted in 2013 by PEW Charitable Trusts, found that 70% of those born and raised in poverty, remain poor as adults. This “cycle of poverty” continues generation after generation. This data flies in the face of the notion that, at least in America, anyone can become financially successful so long as they […]

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