Category: Real Estate

why do Aussies shorten so many words?

Australians sure do like those brekkies, barbies and mozzies. We’re not talking about “actual” mozzies here. We’re defo (definitely) talking about words — and Aussies can’t seem to get enough of these shortened words. Some say we’re lazy for clipping them. Others claim it’s just Aussies knocking words down to size — ta, we’ll have […]

the role of BTS and BTR markets

Australia’s housing crisis has been a topic of intense discussion and concern over the last year. In an ambitious response, the Federal Government, along with the New South Wales and Victorian Governments, have set targets to deliver a substantial number of new dwellings over the next decade. But are these targets feasible considering Australia’s historical […]

33 Lessons Learned with Mark Creedon

Today, I am joined by Mark Creedon, a business coach and mentor to some of Australia’s leading business people and CEO of the Metropole Property Group. Today, our discussion is centred around a fascinating list shared by Vala Afshar on Twitter – a collection of insights that reflect the wisdom one hopes to accumulate with […]

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