Pleading Face Emoji 🥺: What Does It Mean and How to Use It

The pleading face emoji 🥺 is one of the most popular emojis in recent times. The puppy dog eyes with a small frown are unique to this emoji and it is mostly used playfully, but sometimes also used in serious situations. The pleading face emoji means many emotions and intentions, let’s talk about the various meanings of the pleading face emoji in detail. Read on.

Emoji 🥺
Emoji Name Face with Pleading Eyes
Also Known As
  • Begging
  • Glossy Eyes
  • Pouty Face
  • Puppy Dog Eyes
Shortcodes :pleading_face:

What Does the Pleading Face 🥺 Emoji Mean?

The Pleading Face emoji (🥺) shows a yellow face with puppy dog eyes, showing a small frown. 

It shows feelings such as:

  • Pleading – The pleading face emoji, as the name suggests is often used for asking a favour from someone, asking for help, or even forgiveness. 
  • Adoration – This emoji is also often used to convey the adoration of someone or something. You can use this emoji if you’re feeling cute or lovable.
  • Cuteness – This emoji can be used to express the appreciation of the cuteness of someone or something. 
  • Aww – Feeling aww? The pleading face emoji is the perfect companion for Aww. 
  • Feeling touched – People often use the pleading face emoji to express something touching or heartwarming.
  • Express love – This emoji also expresses the desire for comfort and love.
  • A broken heart – The pleading face emoji can be combined with 💔 emoji, to express an even bigger broken heart. 🥺💔.

Story Behind The Pleading Face 🥺 Emoji

The pleading face 🥺 emoji was introduced in 2018 as part of Unicode 11.0. It became available on all phones in 2018, making it accessible to everyone.

In case you’re not familiar with Unicode or The Unicode Standard, it is the standard for developing text writing tools, which include emojis. It is maintained by the Unicode consortium. This consortium releases updates a new version of The Unicode Standard, which adds new emojis and characters to the list. 

This emoji quickly grew to be one of the most popular emojis at its peak, amassing wide acceptance from users across the world and across all social media apps. It was particularly popular on Twitter, reaching the most used emoji on the platform in 2021 according to Emojipedia.

How to use the Pleading Face 🥺 Emoji 

As we mentioned above, the pleading face emoji can be used for various occasions. Wait, let me explain it using examples.

Use it to express a plea or request

The pleading face emoji can be used to express a plea or make a polite request to someone. Using this emoji can assert that you are conveying vulnerability and truly need all the help you can get. Here are some examples:

  • I won’t be able to make it to the meeting. Can we skip it, please? 🥺🥺🥺
  • Please let me join your WhatsApp group.🥺
  • I had a long day. Can we just eat out tonight, please? 🥺

Use it to show affection or adoration

The pleading face emoji 🥺 is perfect for expressing your deep affection or adoration for someone or something. You can use this emoji to add an extra layer of adoration and affection. Here are some examples:

  • Your puppy is so adorable! 🥺
  • Watching the beach with you is the best thing ever.. 🥺❤️
  • Your baking skills are amazing! These cupcakes are amazing.. 🥺🥺

Use it to express hurt or sadness

When you’re hurt or drowned in sadness, the pleading face emoji can convey your feelings better. It shows you’re being vulnerable and want comfort and understanding from the other side. Here are some examples:

  • I can’t believe you really said that.. 🥺💔
  • Lost my phone. But the saddest thing is that I lost all the photos with you in that! 🥺
  • I heard the news about your cat. I’m so sorry for your loss. 🥺 

Use it to be cute or playful

The 🥺 pleading face emoji can be used to be cute and playful in chat. This emoji can add a touch of cuteness and playfulness to your messages. Here are some of the examples:

  • I want to go on a road trip around the country with you. 🥺🥺
  • Can I hold your hand? 🥺
  • Awww 🥺❤️

Use it to express Longing or Missing Someone

The pleading face emoji is perfect for expressing that you’re missing someone. The pleading face emoji 🥺 is the best for conveying that you’re yearning for your loved ones. Here are some examples: 

  • I miss you so much… 🥺🥺❤️
  • I wish you were here with me now. 🥺
  • I can’t wait to see you again… 🥺🥺

How to respond to Pleading Face Emoji? 🥺

We’ve talked about sending pleading face emojis with examples in the last section. Now let’s talk about how to reply to the pleading face emoji with examples.

Replying back with the same emoji 

You can always reply to messages with pleading emoji with the same pleading emoji. Here are some examples:

  • I miss you too… 🥺🥺
  • Of course, we can hold our hands.. 🥺🥺
  • I just can’t hold my tears. Thank you for your messages. 🥺

Using a combination of emojis to convey your message

The pleading face emoji is always better when combined with other emojis. Here are some examples:

  • Let’s go for that road trip soon! 🥺❤️🚗
  • I’m sorry that I said that.. 🥺😓
  • I can’t wait to see you again too. 🥺😭

Express Understanding and Empathy

You understand the emotions and empathy conveyed to you using the pleading face emoji and reply back using words. Here are some examples:

  • I can imagine that’s a lot to handle 🥺 
  • I know how disappointing that can be 🥺
  • I’m so sorry to hear that 🥺🥺

How The Pleading Face Emoji Looks Like In Different Devices?

Like all other emojis, the pleading face emoji looks slightly different in different devices. Take a look:

Pleading face emoji in Apple

Pleading face emoji in Google

Pleading face emoji in Samsung

Pleading face emoji in Microsoft Windows

Pleading face emoji in WhatsApp

Pleading face emoji in X

Pleading face emoji in Facebook

Keyboard shortcut to add pleading face emoji

Here is the keyboard shortcut for adding the pleading face emoji in Windows:

  1. Press Windows key + . (period).
  2. The emoji keyboard will pop up.

    Image source

  3. Search for the emoji, and click Enter. 

Now, this is the keyboard shortcut for the pleading face emoji in MacOS:

  1. Press the CTRL + CMD + Space.
  2. This will open up the emoji pop-up.

    Image source

  3. Search for the emoji from the box and insert it.

Frequency Asked Questions:

What are some other emojis that have similar meanings?

Here are some emojis with similar meanings: 

  • 😢 – Crying face
  • 😔 – Pensive face
  • 😫 – Tired face
  • 😪 – Sleepy face
  • 😰 – Anxious face with sweat
  • 😥 – Disappointed but relieved face
  • 😞 – Disappointed face
  • 🙁 – Slightly frowning face

What does 🥺 mean from a girl?

The pleading face emoji is usually used by girls to convey various emotions or intentions. For example, it is used to plead something: “Please can I have some ice cream? 🥺”. Or it is used to show affection for something: “Look how adorable that puppy is.. 🥺”

What does 🥺 mean from boy?

The pleading face emoji is usually used by boys to convey various emotions playfully. For example, it can be used for exaggerating disappointment in a fun way like: “You won the last game. Not fair! 🥺”

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