Things successful people never say

You’ve heard me say it before… your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feeling becomes your actions and your actions become your results.

I’ve heard others say it differently… your words become actions, which eventually become your destiny.

Similarly, Napoleon Hill, who wrote Think and Grow Rich and became the twentieth-century father of personal success, asserts that words plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.

I’ve found that successful people are intentional about the words they speak, to themselves and to others.

Fact is, regardless of how you may define success, your words (those that you say to yourself as well as those you say out loud to other people) will help manifest that vision into your reality.

So here are 5 things that happy and successful people never say.

1. “That’s impossible”

Interestingly unsuccessful people are always pointing out what is not possible.

To them the glass is always half empty, they live in a world of impossibilities; they have a can’t-do attitude, so they say: “I can’t” or “that can’t be done” or “that’s impossible.”

Not only are these words self-limiting, others perceive them as pessimistic, unconstructive, even defeatist.

Achievers know there are countless roadblocks on the road to success — barriers that may stall or stump, but never stop them.

They either remove the barrier, or figure out a way to go over, under, or around it.

So successful people say: “I have a choice,” “Here are our options,” or, “Let’s imagine all the possibilities.”

2. “I can do it all myself”

Successful people know the importance of getting a good team around them and they recognise that if they’re the smartest person in their team they’re in trouble.

3. “It’s not fair.”

Everyone knows that life isn’t fair.

Saying it’s not fair suggests that you think life is supposed to be fair and shows you don’t really have a handle on how things work.

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