Why You Need a Team to Build Generational Wealth

Are you a Property Investor wanting to create a level of financial independence?

Isn’t that the aim of every property investor, you well may ask?

Surely all investors dream of the day they can give up their day job and live off their property portfolio.

I would suggest for 98% on Investors, this would be the case.

Mainly because they have a finish line…… Goal Achieved!

But for a higher level of investor, the remaining 2%, it is just the beginning.

There is no finish line, they are focussed on a level of sustainable, longer term wealth.

Not just for them, but for the generations to come.

Here are my thoughts;

Setting a Finish Line

In my experience, the majority of investors I speak with do not set their sights high enough or long enough.

They set their goals too low as they feel it would be achievable over a reasonable time frame.

I am amazed at clients I see that are still more than 15-20 years away from retirement and their goal is to have a passive income of anywhere from $50,000 – $100,000.

My biggest fear for these investors is not that they miss their goal, but rather that they reach it.

It is also usually a very superficial type of goal and involves very little detail.

They want to make millions with little to no effort and it is why 98% of investors never create enough wealth for either themselves or their family.

They tend to be more self-focussed type of goals.

What if we dug a little deeper…

Create Generational Wealth

What if you took a holistic, longer-term approach to creating wealth?

It would mean not just focussing on the next 10 – 20 years, but well beyond that, potentially to another generation.

Shifting your focus longer term and away from yourself is a totally different way to invest and it is what the 2% of wealthy and successful investors focus on.

Sure, there needs to be a checkpoint along the way, to ensure your own financial goals are met, but it is not the finish line.

You need to build something more substantial, that can create lifelong, generational wealth.

This strategy requires a greater level of detail, you need to go deeper and set things up accordingly.

Step back and treat it like a business with a documented strategy, not just a hobby where you hope for the best.

Growing Wealth

It Will Take a Team

Creating generational wealth will require a team, not an individual.

I like to use the analogy of a Rally Car driver and their team.

Sure, they are the driver, but they have a Navigator right beside them so that they can do what they do best and drive.

The Navigator keeps them on track and keeps an eye on the bigger picture.

Then there is the mechanic and pit crew that keeps the vehicle fuelled and in running order along the way.

Let’s look at how it works with Investment….

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